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Monday through Thursday the kids will bring home math (paper) homework. Most of the time it will be from the Math and You workbook that we use at school. Please check over this math homework for neatness and completion. Assisting your child with their homework is strongly encouraged. This math homework is review from what we learned in class that day. Students are supposed to read for 30 minutes each night and study their weekly spelling list for 5-10 minutes until mastered. Wednesdays I pass out the weekly spelling list and the kids will be tested the following Wednesday.
This site may be helpful with homework.
For any day your child misses school, here is some school work that will keep them close to up with the class. For absences longer than two days, please contact me for a homework packet that can be picked up in the office. For each day missed without a homework packet: Use the Class Portals button for websites. 1. MATH, in IXL 4th Grade, spend 30 minutes in Math, pick topics from the fourth grade topics and move on after 85% then work in Aleks for 30 minutes; 10 minutes in quick tables multiplication, then 20 minutes in continue my path 2. LANGUAGE ARTS, in IXL 4th, 20 minutes in each area (main idea, summarizing, comprehension) 3. SOCIAL STUDIES, IXL 4th, 20 minutes 4th grade topics (choice), 4. SCIENCE, Sometimes in IXL you can do a search and match the topics we are studying in science: grab a topic from 3-5 grade and work in that area for 20 minutes for each day missed. 5. JOURNALS, Complete a 15 sentence journal entry about each day they are gone on paper, journal entries can be about anything. Read for an hour, 6. SPELLING, write each weekly spelling word 3 times
1/5/25 7:08 AM