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Phone: 907-874-3395
* BA in 7-12 Education/Literature
* MS in 7-12 Education
* Certificate in Library Media Specialist K-12
I currently teach:
English 9
English 10
English 11
English 12
Novel Studies
Advanced Novel Studies
Classroom Expectations:
Be respectful
Be responsible
Be engaged
Be safe
Class supplies:
Magazine/Internet Article Review (MAR) Format:
1) Select an article that is a minimum of 1-2 pages in length.
2) Attach the internet link for the article at end of your review.
3) Read article and write review.
Format for review:
-1st paragraph – Summary
-Identify title of article, author, magazine, issue date, etc.
-What is the article about?
-What are 2 main points made by the author?
-What is the author’s opinion toward what they’re writing about?
-pictures, charts, graphs, etc.?
-2nd paragraph – Response
-Was the article interesting?
-What were the strong points?
-What could have been done
-What is your opinion of the
subject presented in the article?
-Was enough background
information given?
Part I: Write out the quote…word for word.
Part II: Analysis - should be a paragraph in length and answer the following three questions:
1/18/25 6:45 AM