Content Row

snowy landscape

Phone: 907-874-3395


* BA in 7-12 Education/Literature

* MS in 7-12 Education

* Certificate in Library Media Specialist K-12


I currently teach:

English 9

English 10

English 11

English 12


Novel Studies

Advanced Novel Studies


Classroom Expectations:

Be respectful

Be responsible

Be engaged

Be safe


Class supplies:








Magazine/Internet Article Review (MAR) Format:

1) Select an article that is a minimum of 1-2 pages in length.

2) Attach the internet link for the article at end of your review.

3) Read article and write review.


Format for review

  • page in length (Size 14 font & double spaced)
  • minimum of 2 paragraphs

-1st paragraph – Summary

-Identify title of articleauthormagazineissue dateetc.

                  -What is the article about?

-What are 2 main points made by the author?

-What is the authors opinion toward what theyre writing about?



-2nd paragraph – Response

                  -Was the article interesting?

                  -What were the strong points?

                  -What could have been done


                  -What is your opinion of the

                    subject presented in the article?

                  -Was enough background

                   information given?



Quote Analysis Format


Part I: Write out the quote…word for word.


Part II: Analysis - should be a paragraph in length and answer the following three questions:

  1. What is happening around the time of the quote?


  1. Identify the characters involved with the quote.


  1. Explain one reason why the quote is important.
    1. Character development
    2. Foreshadowing
    3. Conflict
    4. Symbolism
    5. Theme Development
    6. Background Information
    7. Other Literary Terms

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